
I’d love to hear from someone versed in Chemistry on any differences in long term stability of different grades of fuel. Be it octane rating or other additives, i’ve always chosen to put premium fuel in addition to fuel stabilizer in vehicles that I store for extended periods (as well as keeping the tank full and cap

This happened during the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride in 2015 in DC (technically this incident was on the GW Parkway in Northern Virginia). I was on this ride about 15 seconds back from these riders and can assure you this definitely happened. The group (minus the occasional bad apple in a group this size)

I really hate the tone that these buyers guide articles are taking. We get it, you don’t like the car, but it meets the needs of plenty of people as evidenced by the sales numbers. If you’re going to bother writing a “buyer’s guide” it would be useful to actually give some things useful to you know.... a “buyer”. Give