You want to use something like autopilot you should have to have a camera on you. Sorry but people show they are too stupid and selfish for good things.
You want to use something like autopilot you should have to have a camera on you. Sorry but people show they are too stupid and selfish for good things.
Everyone ripped on the e60 5 series when it came out, but it’s proven to be a trend setter and has oddly aged really well (I still prefer the e39 myself, but I really appreciate the e60). Especially on the interior. Minus the archaic iDrive unit, the cabin is pretty similar to what’s being done currently.
Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!
Couldn’t this also be an indictment on the stupid cost of medicine in the US? I mean the people that went to Sturgis deserve every bit of illness and vitriol they have coming, but $46,000 per case? The whole thing is stupid, from beginning to end.
Democratic leaders tend to reflect their populaces. When you’ve got a lot of stupid, hateful, greedy, dishonest citizens, you get politician who either embody all those things, or cynically appeal to them in order to win votes.
A couple of points on the new rules:
I’m sure Sergio Perez calls Carlos Slim Daddy.
I’m fine with athletes using their platforms to raise awareness about important issues, but I completely disagree that athletes should be REQUIRED to do so.
I feel like 90% of Garth Ennis’ writing can be summarized by the fact he grew up in Northern Ireland during the Troubles and basically learned to laugh at explosions happening a block away
I’m a Ferrari fan, but I’m very happy to be able to witness Lewis Hamilton. Even when he does not have the best car or the best tires, he’s still on another level. When he does have the best equipment, he puts on an absolute master class. It’s hard to say he if he is the best driver of all time, but it’s also hard…
This fucking sucks. I went to high school with Grant, and he was one of those people who literally never said or did a single thing that wasn’t kind or thoughtful. When he made it big, doing the weirdly brilliant stuff he loved, I was happy, because it meant the world was working the way it was supposed to: greatly…
Currently yes. The blocks for current V6 Maserati vehicles are manufactured in Trenton, MI. However, those Chrysler V6 blocks are a 60 degree V. This engine, coming as a 90 degree V, may honestly be mostly-new as I have a feeling it’s based on the Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio engine block.
First: join the M3 forums and ask for a local to go look at it. Those guys will know the cars better than any salesman and can tell you exactly what it is. I have done this many times for MS3s and can give honest feedback that a dealer never will
I doubt the Top Gear staff would let anyone other than Harris near the F40.
As long as the F40 is unharmed (and Paddy, too, I suppose) then I’m ok with this.