
Buy and sell them, don’t keep ones you don’t like.  Heck, I have 7 cars right now.

I think the Ranger is a great suggestion. The Macan is a little odd, but Tom makes a solid argument for it. The other two are the obligatory jokes.

Gas is well under $2 most places and falling fast. Even if it wasn’t, you shouldn’t base a $40K decision on a difference of a few bucks per tank.

The plastic thing at the center of pizza is to prevent the top of the box from coming down and pressing into the molten cheese

This is a motor. The list is of engines. Motors are not engines.

That’s not an engine.

Not an engineer but a UX Designer here ; incase you’d like to talk about perspectives on big screens vs no screens or Buttons vs no buttons and stuff :D ? 

Houston drivers are a different breed. Dallas/Austin drivers are average, few idiots but I rarely have issues. Houston? Makes Mad Max Fury Road look like a documentary.

The Great Seal of Texas should read “We Don’t Give a Fuck!” I’ve seen some insane stuff on TX road. Admittedly, most of it was through Houston. The fact that TX two lane highways are better kept than many other states’ interstate system is a testament to how easy that state government has made it to drive as fast as

The problem wouldn’t be you being a skilled driver, it would be you interacting with those who aren’t. Honestly, the biggest problem on freeways would probably be lane discipline if such a license existed. All the “I’m doing 5 over the speed limit, he can go around me if he wants,” people and just plain oblivious

That won’t stop the unlicensed drivers in your scenario from 1) driving just as fast anyway, or 2) running into your smug ass and your high-speed license plate. Probably while not insured. 

I’m shocked! Shocked!
Ok, not that shocked. 
I mean, anyone from Ohio could tell you NO ONE IN MICHIGAN CAN DRIVE.

Can we have special licenses for those of us that have high performance driving experience? I wouldn’t mind passing a rigorous test if it meant I could enjoy unlimited speed limits in certain areas like Germany.

“Easy to get in and out of because you’re fat and have bad knees.”

I wish they’d just be honest - “The CUV for your sedentary lifestyle!”

$kaycog not only had the most posts but she had the BEST posts. If you know what I mean and I think you do. Here’s to you, $kaycog!

If only there was some tie in between the Ford and the subject matter...

Thanks, Stef.

$kaycog is a national treasure who truly deserves this.

I’m speechless, but with 36,895 comments, I haven’t always been speechless.  This post is the best prize ever!  Thanks so much, Andrew!