Easy, a Yugo. They will think that is our best technology and they will only send their low tier troops to destroy us. They wouldn’t take us seriously, giving us a chance.
Easy, a Yugo. They will think that is our best technology and they will only send their low tier troops to destroy us. They wouldn’t take us seriously, giving us a chance.
Earth Dreams
This will be a German-engineered transmission, not an American one, where simply another gear was added...
Well, it’s a show. Not a movie.
Somehow I’m unconvinced that the driver that caused the accident was staring at the sky. Staring at something perhaps, but not out the windshield.
I mean, that looks like what a prison should be. The idea isn’t to punish a person so that their future is forever destroyed. Prison should be to rehabilitate people into productive members of society.
You mean, just as serious as the time they promised they wouldn’t make an SUV?
I’m perfectly happy never visiting Reddit, so having Jalops curate it and add epic David Tracy rebuilds is all I need.
Why would someone in Japan want an American car when they are making better cars? Dealership models aside, but American cars really have no place outside of the USA. Half of American cars sold in the USA are sold on blind patriotism, the rest are new Fords as the ROW Fords that we now get are actually good cars..
It is so crazy that the Japanese dealers don’t do the same thing within their American locations and yet they still sell a ton of cars. Can you imagine if they brought these business practices here how many more Camrys and Civics they would sell?
This. Can’t believe it wasn’t mentioned (the BMW-sorta thing, I mean).
It’s an electric BMW X1, branded as Zinoro 1e, China only and lease only.
GE90... Bad mofo. 777 was one of my favorite airframes to wrench on.
Can we stop and appreciate that this kid is eleven?