
5 seconds wasn’t enough for you.

Clearly you didn’t go far enough down in my posts.

As a student who participated, I have to say, I felt as if a lot of my classmates (well I am from LI, NY) completely forgot the point of the walkout. It quickly turned from making a stand on gun control and paying respect to th victims to “look at me! I’m doing something!” On social media. Additionally, I personally

Hello kitty 777 would like to have a word with anyone who thinks the bullet train is fast enough

Hopefully with a heavy payload inside too

hmm, didn’t think to look there... my attention was focused somewhere else *winky winky*

audi TT


Of course it does. Otherwise, they would not have chosen SWF as a diversion airport

You can’t have poor build quality if you don’t have a car to test build quality

Exactly what the Germans said

4th gear: makes sense he would want to serve his time in germany as german prisons are on a much different level than american prisons:

You mean, just as serious as the time they promised they wouldn’t make an SUV?

The one thing Saturn got right was the name: L- this care sure took a lot of L’s

explanation: I live in the united states

Hey what about that silver BMW looking thing-but-not-actually-a-BMW next to the Chery? Also as for Yuan meaning currency, knowing Chinese, there are many characters in the Chinese language pronounced “yuan”, all with separate meanings, but I’m not exactly sure if it is the unit for money, since Yuan as a character

I can’t give you enough stars



also technically in my town (I live in a pretty large town) are people whom i know kinda well with 991 Turbo S’s and 488s. That’s excluding their daily drivers, which are naturally GLS’s or S class’s of some sort.