Well now Apple has a new designer
Well now Apple has a new designer
If you don't want to go with foreign cars, I recommend a fusion, lots of space and comfy. If you want something overseas, either an Avalon or a Passat
They should try lukla sometime
Well think of it this way: if their manager was there and the owner was there, I don’t think they would’ve taken any car to taco bell, unless all four of them were in on it in this case, nor the manager or the owner would’ve known about.
Ha I learned through a series
And everyone said all audis looked the same. At least Audi had small differences in the interior and lights were slightly different
If you're wondering they're offering a dual clutch transmission for FWD for the new one :)
Rolling a reliant robin, maybe not the best, but definitely up there!
I bet most likely there were modifications to the chassis and suspension, I bet the normal juke couldn’t handle this, but who knows, I may just be “juking”
Any Saab!
Ahhh you beat me to it
You have to be juking me
Wow looks complicated to land since aren't controlling the plane from the plane
Hope they fix it back up or its RIP 918
Like a jeep of the airplane world
So now all Mercedes will pretty much look exactly the same. Amazing.
6th gen vw Passat will do it
That's one steep climb
Wow they still managed to land at their original destination.