
Any Saab!

Ahhh you beat me to it

You have to be juking me

Wow looks complicated to land since aren't controlling the plane from the plane

Hope they fix it back up or its RIP 918

Like a jeep of the airplane world

So now all Mercedes will pretty much look exactly the same. Amazing.

6th gen vw Passat will do it

That's one steep climb

Wow they still managed to land at their original destination.

Looks like an out of proportioned x5

Looks like an Audi to me

Cuz lambo v10


best livery I've seen for a long time!!! Huge contrast toward eurowhites.

"for a fee" - hey, anyone seen the movie "soul plane?"- airlines, that's what could happen.

Clearly a lambo

Heh. Wheels. Lights. Windows. Doors. Airbags.

Well done Renault, well done. 👏👏

Ahhh- pure German security at its finest.