
and this is why my passat B6 has a huge overhang.

very much agreed

a minivan, but minivans aren't all that safe, how 'bout a detuned Hyundai, Toyota, or nissa

looks like someone took a model s and filled it with TOO much air, so it began to bulge and here we have the model X

that kid is the next Neymar

i have to agree with you on that

what a beautiful livery! What makes it special is that the interior goes along with the theme with the interior auroa lighting.

there a quite a few things he could be strapped to the back of other than a Sienna, including a Durango rt, GL63, x5M, Porsche cayenne turbo, and so on, I would be surprised if that is a Sienna though


put it right next to the sport mode button!

and Arnold Schwarzenegger

I'll take that gl63

Volkswagen passat b6

Volkswagen Passat b6, was a great economy car, sadly not many on streets.

very innovative, but no fun since you can't drive it, at least you get a free ride

so we've established that the motorcycle can drive itself, and kids aren't traumatized by gorey deaths and there are excessive audis in india

definitely an interesting story, also very unfortunate that rolls died in a plane crash

definitely, a nice job indeed

so did Airbus on a number of their planes

do feel bad for them, but hey, if you're happy with the car, it's the thought that counts