
If you think this is bad, on the 3.5L Ecoboost in the Taurus SHO, the Water Pump is in the V. Except it takes 30 hours to replace.

This solidifies my hatred of vehicle and automotive designers who fail to take into account maintenance. Starter in the V is dumb.

ITBs are neat, but that feeling, when you’ve got the jets juuuuuuuuust right? That’s magic.

TLDR: Expensive, technologically complicated vehicles are more costly to repair and have longer lead times. Not unique to Tesla.

Another trick: An old co-worker plus wife were renting a car to drive to a bigger airport 150 miles away. They get there to pick up the car and they’re REALLY pushing for them to get a SUV or mini-van for X amount of money. Tells them no-no-no, don’t need the extra space for 2.5 hour drive. Finally gets down to it

There is an old story that gets passed around the gun ranges I frequent. I’m sure it is an old wives tale but the story goes like this:

If you had called the police saying you had found the perp that stole your car and was beating the living crap out of him, they would send 5 patrol cars and an ambulance.

I live in Vegas and had a pickup truck stolen. Police wouldn’t come file a report because it was “not an emergency”. I went to the police department and filed a report immediately. Made several follow up calls, no one could tell me anything. 7 days later I get a little card in the mail from a local tow yard, they

I totally get why this guy did this! Getting your car stolen and the cops acting like just don’t care.

There’s a lot of horror stories involving stolen vehicles and police in these comments, so allow me to share my bittersweet experience.

5 years ago my pickup truck was stolen in Ontario. Called the cops right away, filed a report, and they said they would get back to me. Called insurance and filed a report. 2 days later call the cops, no new info. A week later, call the cops, no new info. Cop says they won’t even look for it. I cave them two leads,

Happens everywhere; I found my 16V Golf Gti parked in the street after it had been stolen. Hotfooted it to local police station where I was told that they had no vehicles to dispatch. I eventually got a lone cop who was sunning himself outside, interested and drove him back to where my car was parked, just as the

it’s the ‘little’ things.(cars aren’t little, but finding them can be). not being able to trust the cops to track down things like a car when they know who did it is really what i feel starts to undermine our trust in general of police. and once it starts, it’s hard to stop.

Cops are utterly worthless when it comes to car theft. Worthless. I had 2 cars stolen in California, 1 car broken into, and the cops are basically like “whatever...we’ll see what turns up but it happens all the time.”

The “known to police” thing boggles my mind.

The cops sound a lot like they do here in Canada.

Jesus Christ. How worthless of a human being do you have to be to want to steal someone else’s hard earned property and then when you are too inept to use it yourself you have to kill an innocent person?

$550 and it runs? hmmm... i know exactly what to do with this

I’m upset that the dealership and manufacturer have created a monopoly and are therefore fixing prices. Speedo shops could be licensed/bonded if they are not already, and that would address the honesty problem.

Honda Ridgeline. We bought it to replace a Volvo S60 to have something that could haul gear for camping, my mountain bikes etc... it looked like a great option. The trunk in the bed, comfortable inside, nice ride.