
Challenge Accepted.

Next day: My neighbor said he will sell it to you because youre a “car guy” he wants $20K for it. that’s a good deal because its a classic right?

The most frustrating part of being car enthusiast is not being surrounded by other enthusiasts with the same lifestyle. A die hard sports fan? They get awesome bars with a 100 screens so they can all get together and watch their favorite thing on tv. They have teams in every major city and get to watch them every week

Still drivIng a car that’s almost 20 years old (now I feel old) rather than buying a new one offsets your impact sufficiently.

Reply to your second:

Going to the car dealership and realizing that you know way more than the salesman does about a particular brand, who didn’t even try to do his / her research.

Or that the salesman is really stupid.

When people learn that I like classic cars:

Truth, people are so scared to get a used car, even if it’s just done lease and is hilariously reliable, anyone need a 2014 civic? The people who care the least about cars are always the most hesitant to get ‘just any car’ it’s always gotta be the brand new Big3 Liftedwagon and ooh the sales clerk says leather will

I’m a motorcycle guy, so I get a lot f the same stuff for motos. Most folks listen but some don’t. This includes a guy who bought a terrible Harley for his first bike and he’s now trying to sell it right after he bought it for 14K.

This time a billion.

“I want to buy a new Jetta.”

Even worse is when 50% of those are in the description as “Manual Automatic”.

Being enthusiastic about a certain brand, type of vehicle, or preferred modifications, only for someone with a different opinion to quip “you can’t be an enthusiast and enjoy that!” You like big pickup trucks with lights and tube bumpers? do your thing. Older BMW M’s that you meticulously maintain and track? more

Oh the crap I would drag home if I had the space to keep it! Though I’m getting better about realizing I won’t have the time or money for it either.

Giving a shit about cars is a real pain in the ass. I sometimes wish I was the kind of person who was just unapologetically boring and didn’t care. I’d drive a CR-V and park it on the street and not give a shit when people hit it, or it gets dirty, or cry when it rusts out because I live in upstate NY where every day

All the extra costs everybody forgets

Having someone explain to me how a differential works, after telling him I had recently rebuilt both of mine
Or having that same guy explain how dampers work, while I was telling him how to adjust his ridiculously expensive KWs to help him fight understeer in his car
Or maybe having that same guy tell me why heel and

Amazed by how there are 2 Mustangs and yet 0 crashed.

When driving home after work, I generally sit in the right hand lane near the speed limit (70mph on I75 north of Detroit) as I’m not in any real hurry and traffic is light.

My personal favorite with tailgaters is pressing the brake just slightly. Just so the brake lights come on but not really slowing you down. After a few seconds of brake lights, long enough for them to relax into it and still tailgate, a quick tap so they see your rear end lift. Not a full stop, just a firm but short