
I’ve used my tow hook for more cowbell than towing.

You know... This makes me want to start laser cutting some acrylic tow hooks, then edge lighting them. As long as they’re pointless, let’s make them even more obnoxious, because they’ll sell.

Whenever I see someone who is proud of the tow hook they installed I always ask if their car breaks down a lot or do they get stuck in ditches all the time. When they try to explain how that is what real race cars have, I explain they only have them because the regulations make them put it in so its quicker to tow

Dude, at LEAST zip tie it to the ACTUAL “tow hook” under the car that it’s nearly touching....

Twinair: Like a car with 2 carburetors?

it sounds like there were 2 in cab and 2 in the back, 2400 watts total.

Read that as “Turbo’d” and got wayyyy too excited. Then I realized I can’t read and got very sad :(

A full size truck would make for a great hybrid. Plenty of room to stash batteries, it’s already heavy so a couple hundred pounds of power cells isn’t all that noticeable, and the extra oomph from the electric motor plays right into the torquey reason people tend to like trucks. What’s more, a 20-30% boost to fuel

Buying a limo is rarely a good idea. My uncle bought one once when he decided to move to Vegas - he figured it was big enough to haul his stuff out there, he could sleep in it on the way, and once he got there, he’d start a limo service. Moving van, RV, and job all in one. Suffice to say, this was not the beginning of

Very first ad that pulled up. Stay classy AL.

I live in the Ozarks. Spelling is not a priority here. God love ‘em, but folks here just cannot spell. Anything. So craigslist is funnier than hell. People tend to spell things fo-net-ick-lee, so if you wanted to find a limo for sale, you’d probably have to enter something like “lemmo” in the search. Seriously. If

Dammit Oklahoma....

My favorite part?

The ad’s gone now, but this thing was on the Flint area CL last month:

For sale right here in Buffalo, NY. John Hartman customs ‘74 Chevy Crew Cab Limo. Google it.

Fuel economy no, Emissions standards, yes. They still have to comply with emissions limits for Class 2B trucks.

Except for 3/4 sand 1 ton trucks were not required to undergo fuel economy certification during the time frame mentioned in the article. Given that light truck emissions requirements are far less stringent than cars, this whole thing stinks of some deep pockets working to remove diesels from the roads by force.