
I cannot agree more. If we want safer roads and less congestion, the solution isn’t more technology that takes the responsibility of driving away from the driver. The solution is better drivers, and that means making it much more difficult to get a driver’s licence, and much better mandatory driver education. Right

Anyone else get the feeling that these advanced driver aides and autonomous vehicles are being marketed disingenuously as an alternative to improving our archaic infrastructure and driver education system?

I thought it was because Lucas engineered the boards and they kept letting all the smoke out. 

One day a blonde comes up to a man’s door and asks him if he has any odd jobs. The man says “I’ll give you $50 to paint the porch out back.” The blonde goes to work and after 30 minutes, she comes back, and tells the man she is done. “Wow, that was fast,” the man says. The blonde replies, “yes, I know, but that

A penguin’s driving down the highway when his engine starts sputtering and smoking. He gets off at the next exit and finds the nearest garage. The penguin proceeds to tell the mechanic what happened and the mechanic says “Give me 10 minutes to look at it to see if I can find the problem.”

What’s the difference between porcupines and BMWs?

How do you know if a car buyer is lost?

Games you have to play to drive an MGB:
1. Rock ‘Em Sock ‘EM Oil Leaks
2. Why aren’t the goddamn lights working Cherry-O
3. Rust Against Humanity
4. Chutes & Synchronize the SU carbs
5. Guess Who is Making that Burning Smell?
6. Risk of Not Making it to Your Destination (Again)

“at the core it is an econobox”

Who the fuck cares? Learn how to drive for fucks sakes! FWD, less time letting you know the shit is hitting the fan, but if you know your vehicle, no worries! RWD more warning about the shit hitting the fan, but you have more fun getting there! AWD/4X4, when the shit hits the fan, you should have tried out RWD/FWD

“He took it for the initial drive and left it at the dealership.”

If you live in the heart of the polar vortex as I do(at least for the last three weeks) rear wheel drive cars with low ground clearance are not a lot of fun for 2-3 months of the year. So mine is tucked away and the WRX comes out in its place.

I could give a shit which one is faster, rwd4lyf. I just cant get over the glorious sensations of rwd. I have had fwd, rad, AWD and 4x4 and still to this day the rwd just feels “right” to me.

6 Minutes to eat.

Moose licking your car leads to other things.

That thing is awesome.

2005 Saturn VUE bought new in October 2004. Just rolled over 275,000 miles.

Eve Online is the best game I never want to play.