
He thinks being president is some kind of superpower and he can do whatever he wants with it

nope—if her oppositional defiant disorder had been addressed when she was younger, she may have been able to develop some human empathy. as it is, she is likely now has full blown antisocial personality disorder and will be a sociopath for the rest of her life. unless it is addressed at the very latest in the early

I’m living on mostly rice, these days, but still subscribe to the New Yorker.

We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

I thought you meant the cat at first.

We’re on Trump Time now. Every fucking day feels like six.

I don’t get rich people, either. If I won the lotto, Is build one of them log cabin jawns up in the mountains on a lake and fuck everyone. I fucking hate people. I also haven’t drank in a week and it’s starting to affect me.

See also: “I prefer being friends with guys, they’re less drama”.

That is the most fucking Candice sounding complaint if I ever heard one.

noun nui·sance \ˈnü-sən(t)s, ˈnyü-\
an annoying or troublesome person, thing, or situation

Coke is going to come out with a glorious ad come July 4th or something to counter this and make Pepsi look like even bigger amateurs.

brb going to bed wake me up after the zombie apocalypse has devoured 90% of the earths population.

Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?

Please try not to be so negative toward yourself. It sounds like you’re in the thick of it, so anger and sadness will come at you interchangeably. But you don’t have to put yourself through worse by beating yourself up.

Trump has wanted to be part of the Hollywood elite since before daddy bought him his first piece of real estate. I doubt there are any famous actresses that he hasn’t hit on. That’s why he’s so pouty now that they all openly reject him

His family is his biggest enabler

I’m reading “Into a Paris Quartier: Reine Margot’s Chapel and Other Haunts of St.-Germain” by Diane Johnson and it is incredibly charming and informative. It’s a really micro-look at one oft-written about neighborhood in Paris and generally very woman-centric and I am in love with the city of love right now!