
suspected of shooting three people

So the curfew was the problem...

Turns out the 17 year old murderer was front and fucking center at a Trump rally in January. Because of fucking course. 

Amazes me the number of dipshits online who just think they are magically smarter than the people who make the items they are talking about with zero evidence to support it. Stay stupid internet

Next article: It cost X Dollars to get my Porsche hauled out of the creek after spin out.

I hadn’t heard about that.  Still doesn’t make the law right.

This is exactly why all the Trump judges are far more ideology than brains.

yea, look at all the tea partiers looting;

I keep thinking about how maskless white people spat on maskless cops in Michigan. Both sides were so convinced about the covid hoax that it wasn’t seen as a problem. Now both sides are claiming to “support the troops” and “back the blue.”

You also dont hear about any BLM protestors in Tennessee looting, you aggressively ignorant buffoon.

They are going after these people for “trespassing” on State property, not looting. It’s an obvious attempt to quell protesting. If you are going to shill for the Republicans, at least don’t be full of shit about it by claiming everyone protesting is a looter.  

Well, they hated black people, gays and uppity women. Does that count?

Yep. Any court with a brain, will kick this right on out the door. As another poster stated, all that voted for this and the Governor should be made pay the court costs. Then batshittery such as this will stop. Nothing stops until you hit them in the wallet.

Funny how they didn’t pass a law like this when the Tea Party was out protesting. I guess they were the “good” protestors.

Gonna be funny when Trump fans riot in Tenn in 3 months.

It’s a loophole Republicans have been using since before the Nixon administration to block protests — planting plain-clothes officers among the protesters to incite violence. No, this isn’t tinfoil-hat nonsense. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies *HAVE BEEN CAUGHT* doing exactly that kind of shit. Many times.

As Obama brilliantly tweeted a while back, VOTE!

100% unconstitutional. Period. Right there, in the first amendment — the right of peaceable assembly.

This won’t be overturned in the higher courts...nope not all.  Seriously, this shit  is a waste of time and taxpayer money.   

What’s this, Clueless hero wasn’t just mildly interesting, but got me to chuckle? LiA and Penny were hilarious today.