
You know what? You’re right.

Nope. We have to be extremely careful about this shit, because it feeds into the alt right playbook.

1. Even regarding your narrow concern that he might be against freedom of expression in video games, I don’t see a sign of that. Biden, for example, disagreed with Trump’s claim that violent video games were to blame for mass shootings (The Hill). And I haven’t seen signs that he’s against freedom of expression in

I am learning that there is a pop idol group made up of porn stars and bikini models for the first time ever.

*CADET* Bonespurs.  He went to a bullshit Military *school*, for discipline problems. He has never served anyone in any capacity except himself.

I’m not a Biden fan. That said:

He JUST tried to start a war with Iran as a political tool.  

No human language exists that can fully and accurately express my loathing of this failed abortion.

“What was that, Private Bonespurs?”

You know what? Keep doing what your doing you bot, piece of shit, racist, traitorous, fearmonger. Why? because it will just get more of us fired up to get out the vote to send your kind back into the basements your mother’s internet connection allows you to reach out from.

Yeah, but to be fair, ‘is a creep’ and ‘is alive’ has a lot of overlap, too.

It’s called a meritocracy, and it’s never existed anywhere, because human greed is a cancerous disease that perverts and destroys it long before it can ever take root. Because those who have much will always want more, and to get more they must take it from those who have less, and so they do.

The Pearl Harbor issue is all the more amazing when you consider that he was born while the war was still going on, and that for the adults of that era (albeit perhaps not the family’s inner circle) those were fresh and in many cases rather awful memory circa his childhood.  Trump in first grade was only a third as

Here’s two more books that might be worth checking out. Not read them yet myself.

Trump unleashed his disdain, calling Afghanistan a “loser war.” That phrase hung in the air and disgusted not only the military leaders at the table but also the men and women in uniform sitting along the back wall behind their principals. They all were sworn to obey their commander in chief’s commands, and here he

Right now on Fox: Something, something, Fake News, something, something, Liberal Media, something, something, Bengazi, something, but her e-mails, something. In other words: same ol’.

Oh now... Billy Madison tried to improve himself.

Never attribute to malice what can just as easily be attributed to incompetence or stupidity. In Trump’s case, he’s all three...evil, incompetent, and stupid. Failing upward — it’s the rich American white man’s way.