
Whoever goes, if they go, they should be replaced by Nico Hulkenberg. I mean, come on. German, fast as shit, Le Mans winner, deserves a better car, probably cheaper than either of the current boys even with a contract buyout. What’s not to like? And, they’d only have to change half the name on all the branded shit.

Tango and Cash is an unappreciated masterpiece.

Now I need some screech.

Lard tunderin’ Jaysus!

The problem is he is part of a left wing government and that never works out well for the military. He will have to toe the party line and ignore his own principles if he wants to keep his job. If this man is all this article says he is he won't stay in the job for long or he will have to sell his soul.

I went NP because Caprices with clean bodies are pretty rare these days and it would be a good engine swap candidate.

Usually, seeing an A-10 like this is the very last thing you see.

“I wish I had an air-cooled beetle replica... Ah look, a perfect donor!”

I wasn’t the one who designed the current Lexus line-up.

I thought it was Albert Einstein? Made a fotune in physics, nice man nice man

All of this has happened before and all of it will happen again.

Some Australian put a truck bed on a Pontiac G8.

The fact that the driver of the car wasn’t charged with two counts of attempted murder is disgusting.

Take the guy’s medicare and social security checks, give them to the couple he tried to kill and then tell him “I don’t care.” That while the kids confiscate his home and possessions since h feels citizens have the right to enforce even minor laws with deadly force. Bet he would suddenly “care” when he was broke and

If they release an Africa 450 I'm going to lose my shit

We could use that totally real HAARP weather machine to make it rain on the islands for a few months straight and wash them away!!

Except the XR650 is an ancient design (released in 1993! Even the BMW F650/G650, Kawasaki Ninja 250/300, and fer-chistsake even the CUB have been updated more since then!) long overdue for replacement... I mean, a street-legal bike, that in this day and age touts “Electric start and automatic decompression!” WTF,

maybe a smaller CC AT oriented more to single track? or a more ‘extreme’ AT, something along the lines of BMWS R1200GS ADV?

Find a quiet twisty road, and drive. No cell, no rear seat drivers, no electronic aids, no finicky interior gadgets, and no drama. Just drive, drive, drive, and drive some more.

Driving is all I live for, personally. I’d put it ahead of sex any day of the week. As long as I’m behind the wheel, I’m in a perpetual state

Similar to my dirt bike prayer pre race