I rode around a lot in these both in Hong Kong and mainland China. Honestly my favorite part was the interior. Rear seats were leather captains chairs with personal HVAC, power footrests, and none of the mini van stigma.
I rode around a lot in these both in Hong Kong and mainland China. Honestly my favorite part was the interior. Rear seats were leather captains chairs with personal HVAC, power footrests, and none of the mini van stigma.
U.S. Treasury should stop with their ‘smoke screen’ blame of Toyota ...and ask the real question, like where does ISIS (& whatever names they had before) get their money and weapons for last decade?
Conspiracy theory time:
I really hate it when some whiny fellow passenger complains that my both my cigarette smoke and erect penis keeps hitting her in the face
Moe: Bring us your finest food, stuffed with your second-finest.
By proxy, Russia is going to control Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Oil, strategic ports, trade, and global influence. You know, all the things we used to care about before Obama took us into the postmodern era, in which all we need are good feelings and a sense that we’re ‘on the right side of history’, whatever that means.
Ah the good old days, when we had actual leadership and pride in our country.
Now that’s a vehicle you can Bless the rains down in Africa in...
the same people who ride on trails also need to get things from the mall. People see me on a dual sport and say why aren’t you out in the woods I tell them because it’s fucking Tuesday and my job isn’t in the fucking woods, I’ll go there over the weekend. I can’t spend my life riding trails in the woods any more than…
Surly you mean two turning, two burning, two smoking, two choking, and two more unaccounted for.
rule #1: DON’T.
Prime Minister Harper calls him Poutine whenever he mentions his name in the media. There’s no love lost between those two.
Nah. His Royal Obamaness would never set foot in a flyover state like that unless it was to give some kind of condescending speech or raise a bunch of money. His library and golf course will be built somewhere more appropriate to his sense of self regard, like Hawaii or Martha’s Vineyard or Narnia.
This is just a hanger for the set of Independence Day 2.
I’d LOVE to drive it around Williamsburg just to piss off the trust fund liberals.
The Chinese should start manufacturing knockoffs of classic collectible English motorcycles and sports cars. The lack of reliability should just about be a perfect fit. I would jump at a Chinese Vincent or Norton Double Knocker, maybe a Flying Squirrel? Or have the Chinese ate all those?
Two words: dark matter.