A report tonight from Showtime’s 60 Minutes Sports revealed a series of new details about Baylor’s failures to…
A report tonight from Showtime’s 60 Minutes Sports revealed a series of new details about Baylor’s failures to…
The “Chief Wahoo” logo isn’t as racist as we all thought. That deep red skin isn’t a visual racial slur - it’s because he’s choking.
Listen, America:
Because he can play football really well and it doesn’t matter to the football program, coaching staff, athletic department, and university administration if he beats women so long as he can help them win.
Tomorrow the FBI will, by sheer happenstance, simultaneously release Vince Foster’s prom photos and autopsy report, and a field agent’s in-depth profile of Ivanka, including his curious observation that “her shampoo smells like an angel’s perfume and leaves everyone around her intoxicated. Is she even real? Who’s to…
Have you considered parking legally?
As somebody not around for most of the worst things we’ve done, I kind of feel it unfair that we get smited when I’m around to see it.
Is anybody else drinking A LOT more than usual these days?
There were 10 whole words in that tweet! You could hardly expect him to read ALL of them.
I help with story selection a whole lot as well, so really, it’s like you’re subliminally getting a whole lot more from me.
In my family’s experience, “golf family values” means getting the hell away from the family for booze outings and the occasional Scottish hooker.
That shit looks like it wasn’t even taken at the nicest Sears in the fucking mall.
Why does he look like a very large ventriloquist dummy?
I believe the point of it is that for some speedrunners running some games without cheating has been so optimized that records are beaten by such miniscule times and it gets kinda boring at that point. That’s where any% comes in and other random categories such as small Mario runs in SMB, reverse boss order in Link to…
The speed-running community (and some other gaming communities) generally don’t consider exploiting glitches in a game to be cheating, because they’re “part of the game” if you don’t have to do any outside manipulation of the game’s code or hardware, it’s usually fair game in most communities. Other similar ways…
This is impressive and sad in equal measure. Impressive due to his skill, sad due to mine in comparison. Think I’ll go do some dragon punches under a freezing cold waterfall now.
They are not altering the game programming itself as he said through codes or devices. If the game designer happens to leave a hole in the programming, who’s to say that phasing through the door is any less legitimate than opening it normally?
You can follow Stryder7x’s continued attempts to nail Peach%