
Should have seen this coming:

Folks are angry and lashing out at whatever is at arms’ length. Johnson wasn’t the tipping point. I remember dismissing an article talking about the new white bigoted voters who in past elections didnt’ vote but were projected to come out for Trump. The author said they were going to be the tipping point. They were

Seriously? This shit again?

Honest question, what makes you think those votes would have gone to Hillary? The few Johnson supporters I know probably would have gone Trump. But that’s a small sample size so I don’t know what the norm is.

I understand the anger, but finger pointing and blaming someone like Johnson isn’t going to change anything. We failed to win the rural vote in the Midwest and that has nothing to do with Johnson. We can learn a lot from this election, but fringe third party candidates aren’t going away. We will never know how Johnson

“Fuck everyone except the candidate who failed to garner enough support”

Well, San Diego will be underwater in a couple years so maybe it ultimately would be for the best if they moved inland.

The only silver lining is for Alec Baldwin: at least he knows he will be gainfully employed by NBC for the next 4 years.

Nah. they’ll blame the 8 years of Obama. Guaranteed. In fact I expect “Obama” to be Trump’s go-to excuse in his first disastrous year, no matter what the situation.

Don’t listen to him Barry. Today I’ll take all the stories I can get about stadium funding, Tim Tebow, good dogs, massive dongs, misbehaving sports stars, etc, etc. Anything other than, you know...

Merkel’s resting bitch face and side-eye is going to be glorious, for sure! She hates his guts and is not going to hide her disdain for him - she isn’t afraid of Putin, she sure as hell won’t be afraid of Trump. We Europeans had to deal with Berlusconi for years, we have lots of practise with this particular type of

Not a US Citizen, so don’t take me for a voter, but assuming those Johnson votes would have largely gone to Clinton is illogical.

Support thread for anyone who is FUCK YOU EVERYONE fuck you FUCK you fuckity fuckity fucckkkkkkkk shit ass tits shit ass dick fuck FUCK...right now.

Nah, I’m sure a bigoted and misogynist game show host will be a wonderful president.

I have nothing to say other than I have honestly never been so ashamed to be an American as I am tonight.

I dont know about you gys buy Iam drunk and drawing Drew Magary.

I am part German, and for as long as I can remember, Americans have asked me how on earth Hitler could have been elected in such an advanced and wealthy nation. Perhaps they will no longer have to ask.

so far, it’s really not helping. like at all.

More importantly, what’s California’s stance on euthanasia?