
Pretty sure our President ordered this for when he’s traveling somewhere with Ben Carson.

Anyone else feel like the news commentator (I assume...) is way to calm for this video? This needs to be dubbed by a Spanish soccer announcer.

So are we going to start doing this with all Spanish words? I don’t know if these books were written by a man or a woman so let’s call them Librx... Those cats? Gatx.... Seriously when is this going to stop? Spanish as a language has Masculine and Feminine words... Latino, Latina, and the plural when there are both

I can’t believe they did this to such a great looking car.... I had a 1998 240SX and still miss that car more than any other I’ve owned.

So to be clear... he had the same number of pages as George RR Martin?

Clicked on the story just to see this video. Its borderline criminal that this wasn’t included in the article itself.

Am I the only one enjoying they can’t even put that on an “American” car?

Call it like it is: Radical Confederate Terrorism. Say it, I dare you :o)

Ben Carson is still going to vote for him.

Not sure about the reference of going topless... for some reason it reminds me more of Donald Ducking with only the rear being exposed.

This felt necessary to post.

I fly a fair bit internationally for work... and every flight seems to get “worse” mentally. I now take a anxiety pill before boarding and that seems to help a bunch. Hopefully it will continue to help.

Not sure if the part about Leipzig and Chemnitz being close to Cologne is a joke? They are on opposite sides of Germany, not sure they could be any further apart.

I love this so much. Ted Cruz is Red Lobster... perfect.