
Does anyone know when the press will test this thing? Looking forward to the reviews. Hopefully they've already driven it and are waiting on an embargo

At minimum, they don’t have to change much of anything. Replacing the existing battery with a lithium unit of equal size and weight will provide enough juice to accelerate the car at low speeds and then they can do the sandwich motor/clutch thing between the engine and transmission, which can also provide some degree

Black women have an over 2x death rate compared to white women across the board for everything from staph infections to childbirths, and fatal childbirths are extraordinarily rare while staph infections, not so much. This is a policy that was designed in a laboratory to resonate with our trauma centers. Judging by the

How long does it take for the piston to heat up? My guess is less than 10 seconds at the 2000rpm idle a modern car starts at in cold weather.