
Why investigate when they already know the Answer?

GOAT discussions are really tiresome.

There was once a team that won eight titles in a row.

LeBron has no one to blame except himself. He’s a terrible coach and GM.

On behalf of guys everywhere, I’m just going to leave the most appropriate .gif here.

Tim dumbfuck Tebow was also blacklisted. Look, hate the league for putting up with domestic violence, but the league does not like people voicing controversial opinions.

Tom Brady had to literally avoid visiting the White House post-super bowl to avoid people thinking he was a trump supporter to avoid political

Maybe it’s a cold lagoon?

Well no wonder Kerr is having all those back problems now. The levels of steroids and toxic amounts of tanning oils he apparently used in ‘96 have to be wreaking havoc on his body today.

And then

I always thought they would roo the day they let him go.

Cleveland’s strategy of “Let KD dunk all over us” may have been ill advised.

Remember when people thought the Cavs had a shot? That their defense wasn’t trash? That Love could play against the Warriors athletic bigs?

Isaiah Thomas put up an electric season - when his threes got spinning late in the game, you just knew the game was over. Amazing stuff. Can’t wait to see him play with another star, if the Ainge gets his shit together.

6%?! Who cares what an irresonsible man who lets his battery get so low has to say?

Can we just skip the bad acting and get to the good stuff? Where is her stepbrother/stepfather at to help her through this tough situation?!

Interesting. To be fair, I think Glover could pull off voicing Deadpool, but that’s all going to be dependent on the script. It could be beautiful, stylized and fun animation but if the script is garbage, count me out.

Year 1: Bad player

This is why basketball needs a designated shooter rule.