
If Ben wants to fuck off to Cambodia forever, that would be Phnompenhal.

Maybe Ben can pack a wife and finally take that holiday in Cambodia.

Mugabe just didn’t do it for you, huh?

I haven’t been this distraught since Pol Pot died.

When discussing Cousins and Alabama, one has to be a little more specific.

“the recording was made last Friday, when she and her son were at a trampoline park.”

Settle down, Christy. Boogie’s not shooting anything for at least a year.

If officials do a bad job applying a rule that nobody likes towards a player that abuses the hell out of it, should we be upset?

James Harden can eat a whole bag of dicks.

Watching James Harden not get the foul calls he’s used to is the most reliable joy the NBA playoffs can offer.

You confuse respect with discipline, but how would you like your participation trophy engraved?

Bullshit. Respect is earned.

In related news, Dan Synder’s first name is actually pronounced “Fuckhead”

Luke Heimlich: But I’m just a poor boy and nobody loves me.

One of the most toxic fandoms I've ever seen was for the show Once Upon a Time. A freaking fairytale show! Fandoms are the worst.

He’s correct, there is a sizeable and very vocal contingent of the Star Wars fandom that is undeniably toxic. Its not just Star Wars either its fandom in general, fandom has a way of numbing ones empathy and the reputation of being vile little internet trolls are well earned by many members of various fandoms.  These

I feel like these ladies really missed a business opportunity, here. I’d deny having sex with Donald Trump for free all day, everyday. They should have made him pay to say they did have sex.


This is a terrible take, a good, medium cooked, thick burger will always triumph over some skinny patty

The Warriors in 4 Lineup