
Dolan is a dolt. Sorry, Dollan.

Wow, insults from the ghost of Archie Bunker. What next? Are you going to go on a racist rant? That was a mistake mde two years ago when he was a rookie.

Yup, two years ago. Rookie mistake. Now that he’s been with him he realizes that was a bad idea.

The point is Melo is not the guy to take your team to a title. End of story. If given a choice who I’d rather have in my organization I’d take Phil any day over Melo.

I don’t disagree the triangle is over. It has gone the way of the four corners due to rule changes. Melo is not the guy to take a team to a title. That’s the point. How many GM’s and coaches will it take for fans to get it. He is a talented basketball player. He is not a talented leader, he has not shown his ability

Here all week. Lol.

Good point.

Hey Phil, show these clowns the rings. I think a guy that coached the quality of talent that he has through the decades and created the teams that he has can spot players that can take the team to the title and the guys that can’t. Game knows game and Phil knows best. Mello has been a coach killer his entire NBA

He is a growwwwwwer, not a showwwwwwer.

It’s like deja vu all over again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.....

Why did he have to stop the roids? He was killing it until he got off the juice and the ambien. He’s rich as f@ck. He can enjoy his retirement. Sorry Tiger, you Roger now.

He has earned his reputation as a coach killer. Pretty selfish through his career from a team player perspective. When his teammates go to new teams they do very well without him. He has an insane amount of skill but he has lacked the key component of team play and each year it seems to get worse. Perhaps he should

So, it sounds like there are some trust issues being dealt with over there in the Pence camp.

What a turkey, he should have ducked.

Shaq said the ‘Queens’ are happy to get a little stinky Hinkie.

Am I the only person that thinks Cher looks similar to Ann Coulter?

Billionaire NFL team owners do not want players that are distractions good or bad. It does not matter if it is a person villanized like Kaep for the pledge or for the zealously of Tebow fans. If Kaep is as smart as Tebow then he can throw himself into making real change off of the field. His best playing days like

His chance of staying on the team are shot. He has too many holes in his game.

Her or the Love Bug taught me everything I need to know about driverless cars.