
Sorry, but that's the dumbest criticism I've ever heard.

Looks like Chekov is going back to pee.

Skip to 1:45

I loved John Carter but I also have a great imagination as do many science fiction fans. Most of can see beyond the mass market qualities (or lack thereof) and appreciate the essence of a science fiction movie for its core spirit (as long as the movie doesn't make us feel dumb).

"Since your head is the one part of your body not involved in the pressure receptors controlling the suit's muscles, you use your head — your jaw muscles, your chin, your neck — to switch things for you and thereby leave your hands free to fight. A chin plate handles all visual displays the way the jaw switch handles

Brilliant work. Turned out so awesome!

The single player campaigns are the only reason I play COD. MW3 was mindblowingly relentless in the moment to moment action sequences. The multiplayer, for me, has always been lame and lacking depth. Conversely, I by Battlefield for the multiplayer because their is so much awesome stuff happening in every game, while

If this was reversed, it would be a bunch of eagles thinking how awesome it is to see picture of a human holding a finger in his hand.

My Gaydar is pointing to 2 totally different types of gay for Hawk-Man and the Riddler.

Sounds interesting, but I'd like to see a trailer with more gameplay. When does this VIDEO GAME, KOTAKU... come out?

Vastly different? Other than her hair being moved and the angle of her head, it looks the same to me.

I kinda wonder if the reason these shows lose money might be because their fan base are more likely to download them in torrent form.

Why does this story exist on Kotaku? Some guys sees a horrific accident and goes "Hur hur hur, this reminds me of GTA! Ahur hur hur!" and writes an article about it? That's weak sauce. Why not show all the gun cam footage of people getting blown to pieces by guns and rockets because it's "just like" COD or BF3, or

My mom had stroke a few years ago, I wonder if she'd like a DS...


Much of the set and costume design from Space1999 makes me think of stuff from Mass Effect. Also, best opening theme ever!

I don't get it. Sounds annoying. I need a playable demo.


Had to stop watching. Gonna wait for the movie!

I love how a tragedy involving the careless disregard for a firearm in the presence of a 4 year old child suddenly turns into a video game issue.