
He's called Captain America. That's his name. The movie is about him. Should we call Jesus of Nazareth "The Nazarene" so as not to offend atheists?

I know it's just a game, but man could you make Phelps any less likeable? Talk about your lame main characters.

This reminds me of Germany's stance on the use of nazi symbols, namely the swastika and the SS emblem. If you want your game in Germany, it can't have these symbols. The band Kiss even had to change their logo when they toured in Germany. Mystery skateboards? Not in Germany either. So what happens to the states then?

If this was real, they would have immediately opened fire on the chimp. Picture Sonny's death in the Godfather, but with a chimpanzee. PICTURE IT NOW! Hahaha now you are sad. Or laughing.

I hate all religions, but this one is the worst. I actually cannot express my utter contempt without being banned.

I don't totally disagree with you, but let's be honest, it could have been less tedious in points. Don't get me wrong, I love this game, but falling off and having to swim/climb/ride for 5 minutes gets old really fast. I'm an older gamer, and these days any time I'm not engaged in core gameplay feels just like a waste

I done goofed!

Vampires? You would think if it was a fan film they would know what the game was actually about.

You mean if she DIDN'T look like the front half of a horse with a tiny human head? Yeah probably. Those concept drawing look way better.

What? No, that's stupid. Who cares if he smoked weed or not?

Hey you know what, Goldeneye is so old (straightens necktie), Goldeneye is so old, they should call it "Oldenguy"! Hey! Am I right?

I don't necessarily agree that the sign is alright to have next to an elementary school. It's when little kids get their mitts on M rated games that some kind of political shitstorm happens and mature gamers have to suffer for it. That said, I do agree with churches being more harmful. I'd rather have my kid knowing

So this is it, we're all going to live.

Me and a couple buddies dropped acid and watched this, we were fully under Vampire Girl's spell, her epic bewbs were only partly to blame, we all had to stop and rewind several times on the close up of her spiralling hypno-eyes to confirm it wasn't a hallucination, and in the process we totally lost our shit.

There's nothing he can do cuz my panties are in a knot :(

I don't see how I can possibly enjoy this game with this giant stick up my ass.