
I call shinanigans on Bishop vs. Venture. 3-1 with the leader 3 days running suddenly behind and with more than double total votes than all the other brackets? Smells fishy.

I'm not familiar with Davros. Where's Emilio Lizardo? I was counting on him ending my Walter Bishop voting streak.

I love Dr. Horrible. NPHFTW...buuuut... I dunno, a better mad scientist than Walter Bishop? mmm no, Horrible is too green. Give him another 40 years and we'll see.

I wish I was smart enough to understand all this. I feel like I'm missing out. :(


Read Destination:Void by Frank Herbert.

Hmmm I hadn't thought of Dr. Evil. He's got some range he does. I would say his Madness is on par with Walter's, but not his Science. Dr. Evil's achievements are indeed grand, but lacking in subtlety. I also suspect that Dr. Evil probably stole all his ideas from Walter Bishop anyways.

@kidentropia: Nice one! I'm still rooting for Walter Bishop, but Faraday beats out Emilio Lizardo for secind place IMO.

So many levels of crazy, but the reason why Walter Bishop is my favorite kind of crazy is because his craziness takes him on epic bipolar emotional journeys. We've seen him go through joy, despair, rage, utter confusion, and even downright cold deviousness, sometimes in a single episode. If Crazy was ice cream, Walter

@Captain_Tripps: Fair enough it DID have some pretty sweet space fights and the Hammerheads were cool looking, but I ain't budgin' on the rest :)

With exception of TTSCC and Carnivale, all those shows with "criminally unresolved" cliffhangers were horrible.

I never found that weed lessens any pain for me, in fact (in my case) it can make pain worse, especially headaches.

Are we talking MAD scientists? Because let's face it, there is alot of competition when it comes to pure skill, but when it comes to madness PLUS skill Walter Bishop wins. Contest over. Seriously, no other can match his mad genius madness.

I my god! Thinking about violence makes you think about violence! Thankyou, science!

I was stoked until I heard Steve Tyler singing. Gross. I won't be seeing this.

Come on, a giant brightly colored boxy robot made out giant brightly colored boxy robot cats would look way cooler than this stuff!

The two Olivias become lovers! Yes!

According to Wikipedia: The term "deviled", in reference to food, was in use in the 18th century, first known print reference appearing in 1786. In the 19th century, it came to be used most often with spicy or zesty food, including eggs prepared with mustard, pepper, or other ingredients stuffed in the yolk cavity.

Okay #3 and #6? Holy crap! That space god's finger is burning up from being thrusted into the atmosphere, and buddy is all like "Yeah? YEAH?!"

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