
Mst sck t b blnd ND rtrdd.

@KefkaXI: Why would you pass? It's free if you bought an original copy of mass effect.

It's not like a game is of lesser quality when you buy it used (unless the disc is damaged, in which case the game won't work and you can get your money back). Why shouldn't the people who made the product be paid for it when people want it? Why should retailers get all the profit when selling used games at half

Ow my hard drive :(

@Derfud: You said it. Yeah he was pretty amazing, and good for him, but it's bullshit that he was allowed to compete. Professional sports people should not be allowed to compete in the olympics.

Haha, OMG that thing looks so stupid and wrong.

Bioshock 3 should be a prequel that takes place prior to and during the fall of rapture. You should play the part of a Soviet/American/British spy sent in to infiltrate the populace and bring the society down from the inside. Brief gameplay on dry land, going to gameplay on a ship. You should have access to a minisub

BC2 is going to be much better than that shit-show Modern warfare. heck BC1 was better than MW. I've played them all, and Battlefield is by far the best tactical shooter experience out there.

Is this an old article for Assassin's Creed 2 or are they saying that Assassin's Creed 3 is going to be the exact same as AC2?

I dont want to wear stupid goggles over my glasses. :(

I'm interested. Not convinced it will be any better, but also not convinced that it won't be better either. The fact that we worked on Falcon 3 is interesting. Iron man's suit is less a suit of powered armor and more of a wearable airplane. I was upset that they didn't recognize this in the first game when the movie

@Souloni: What is your basis for this comment?

Only 15% of it is worth dowloading.

It totally sucks, I've been hounding best buy for awhile and they refuse to stock any. I guess they'd rather sell whole consoles than harddrives. I need a larger harddrive but I don't want to have to buy a whole new console to get it. :(

@avgwhiteguy: Yeah his style would be perfect. He also did Riddick: Dark Fury and Animatrix: Matriculated. That said, I think what would really sell it is the voice acting. IT would need to really nail the "This is what I am thinking in my head" style of dialogue that David Lynch did so well in his version.

Her head is too small for her body, and for some reason it bothers me enough to never want to play this game.

No No NO! Just don't bother! You can't make a movie out of dune! The story is incomprehensable to the mass public, and the only way to make people understand it is to either wreck it or make it a 6 hour movie (minimum!). The ONLY way that Dune will ever be successful as a motion picture is to make it an animated

I guess if you figure what kind of impact avatar had, then maybe it deserves it. I liked Moon (alot) and D9 better, but they didn't create the same splash. When I got back from holidays I heard "Have you seen avatar?!" so many times I've lost count. Okay I didn't bother counting, but it was alot! Oh and fuck Star