Disney is not in a position of power here. If they go nuclear and just pick up and leave, you can guarantee that another brand will just snap up the real estate and make it an extension of their own parks.
Brother in christ, Disney is not just Florida’s largest employer, it’s the largest single-site employer in the world. It employs 75,000 people in central Florida. There is zero chance of them “picking up and leaving,” because money, but also because DeSantis can do f*ck all to them.
It’s unfortunate that this thread has devolved into a political attack on China. I don’t mean to suggest that China doesn’t deserve much of the hate, but jeez...this is about the hardware, not the market manipulation. Can’t we all just treat the question as hypothetical daydreaming...”which Chinese vehicles would you…
“The premise of a fungal species that infects humans and bends them to its will is something that hasn’t been done before.”
your mom’s car (this goes for anyone reading this comment)
This argument/viewpoint is as valid now, as it was 25 years ago. Unless you view the vast majority of gaming as self-indulgent, violence-promoting, school-shooter creating garbage that should be banned, you really have no room to talk. That, and the fact that, if Pokemon wanted, the vast majority wouldn’t be able to…
“slave owners and their slaves fighting each other”
Toyota is smart enough to realize this. The Rav4 Prime is so popular there’s a two year wait list, and I’ve heard rumors that the next Prius Prime is going to have a 60 mile electric-only range.
Totally agree, I don’t understand this obsession to go full electric when not everybody is ready. Plug in hybrids still make sense.
I have a ‘90 Ford Econoline and its steering wheel looks better than that, fake woodgrain and all.
and it was great, such an inventive and silly use of Holmes
Yeah, this is what’s confusing me. The spy shots look horrible (even accounting for the deliberate obfuscation of prototype vehicles), and unless they turf the entire program I don’t see how they go from prototype to a “streamliner.”
Nothing like being inclusive of the view that girls should be forced to die giving birth after their uncle raped them.
Some of the biggest supporters of the bill started throwing a fit when someone put together a template for a letter indicating exactly the gender neutrality you mention, as well as removing any books that reference mothers or fathers, since that implies sexuality.
Since the Bible talks about men lying with men it most definitely needs to be banned as well I assume, need to stay consistent.
While the stars might align, Tesla body panels never will.
Seems like everyone wants to evade taxes. No wonder roads and bridges are in such terrible shape. It’s not the lack of taxes, but also corruption that could explain such inaction.
Nah, he earned the pile on.