Dave, a champion of black folk? The same miserable prick that not only spoke out against low-income housing (which helps those in need including POC), but threatened to pull his investment in the city over it? That champion of black folk??
Dave, a champion of black folk? The same miserable prick that not only spoke out against low-income housing (which helps those in need including POC), but threatened to pull his investment in the city over it? That champion of black folk??
CA requires a car to pass smog PRIOR to a sale, so “needs a tune up” in order to run doesn’t fly here. Not sure how they will get around that.
Let me just say that it worth following THERE_I_RUINED_IT on Instagram. He does some very impressive AI voice training. And yes, me mostly ruins the songs you love too...
From my experience, Kia Financial doesn’t care about the owner at all. My wife leased a Stinger GT (one of the first deliveries made, came with a bunch of “thank you” swag from the manufacturer). She then passed away three months later. She drove it less than 5 times.
From what I understand when the prior owner went under they lost the ability to use Saabs IP. This means that the body, which is obviously a Saab design, would most likely need to change.
This has already been reviewed in places it has been released. It’s NOT that great in corners, and trying out the power severely drains the battery...
Shouldn’t this be titled “Nissan wants to show more concept cars they have no intentions to sell”?
Similar to your example is when two people arrive at opposing stop signs at an intersection. They don’t have a signal on to appear to be going straight (and therefore have the right of way), but then turn. They do this because turning cars have to yield to those going straight.
Yeah, I mean dropping that “educate yourself” line is just a NICE way of saying “you don’t know much about EVs” and it was subtly implying “Know your place, poors” in the kindest tone...
Hairdressers require more training than cops. Police departments will reject applicants that are too smart, as they need someone who will not question orders.
Chappelle: the kindest man ever.
Also Chappelle: Threatens a city commission with withholding a large donation if they consider building low-income housing anywhere near his home. So Kind, as long as they are rich like he is. I’m sure Jesus would have had the same opinion on poor people. This is one of his shite takes…
My house built in 2001 has ZERO 240v outlets in the garage. The closest is being used for the dryer in the laundry room next to the garage. And I live in CA where the green initiatives were put in place before other states...
Correct - built by magna steyr. Fisker just slaps a logo on it.
James Gunn: We are ditching Henry because we are doing a young Superman. *Many Snyder fans upset, that that all kind of makes sense*
Also James Gunn: Yeah, about that whole young Superman thing...
Jimmy is taking notes on how to run DC from Musk burning down Twitter...
DC might as well just write this whole thing off.…
Ownership and the freedom it entails.
Everything, from heated seats to how much power your car has will be subscription based.
Even fueling your vehicle may be in jeopardy. I fully believe Toyota was deep into hydrogen NOT because it’s more efficient (it’s not), but because they wanted to “own” the refueling…
My old Kia Optima hybrid had a switch you could flip in the trunk that could “jump” a dead 12v battery using the hybrid battery. Why can’t EV makers realize that this has been a thing for over a decade??
end of 2019 to end of 2023 (we are 3/4 of the way through 2023) is 4 years, so technically “not 3 years later” should be “more than 3 years later”
OOF. This is the same math Tesla must operate under.