
I wonder how long it’ll be till “cursive interpreter” becomes a job title?

Was just discussing last week on another website and the response was overwhelmingly that cursive was obsolete.

My dude I work for a California public agency and my cubicle is literally falling apart. Every last cent we get goes toward actual public services.

The hackers seem to be claiming that the transit authority of a medium-sized city has 2000-plus servers and 30 gigs of employee data? Do those numbers sound even close to right?

Well, remember this: Muni was also old enough that a ransom of what now appears to be their entire data infrastructure did NOT shut down the actual transportation parts.

omg...wiping tears...

WTF is a “jnee zainy”?

Metro Leader secretly high five. “We’ve been waiting to do deferred maintanence and make it look like the shut-downs aren’t our fault. Win, win!”

LOL. I suppose I should be thankful that the last 7 years of herky-jerky manual control on the Metro is essentially the Viper Mark II of mass transit, completely safe from Cylon attack.

Oh... you’ll shut down Metro? Well the joke’s on you, pal. It’s the Metro. And we haven’t done repairs in 40 years. And it’s winter.

This is San Francisco. The city just asked taxpayers to approve new bonds. This city’s government don’t cut costs or understand profit. They only know how to spend and add headcount.

I just feel bad for those who can’t read cursive...

All Your Base belong to Us

Guess it’s a good thing D.C. Metro says “what’s a computer?” when asked if they’re vulnerable.

Because they’re not native English speakers, and the people who are actually running the scam may not even be very computer literate. I used to work for Blizzard Entertainment and dealt with a lot of account compromises. Most of the people doing the “grunt work” after an account was hacked were not in any way

Why do these hackers’ messages always contain so many grammatical errors, inappropriate capital letters and incorrect and mixed tenses? These people are smart enough to hack into a transit system’s servers, but they can’t devise decent spellchecker or translation software?