
I think most people nowadays consider Greeks to be a part of “white”

 I would be willing to bet there’ll be a throw away line about how she, like Kratos, came from somewhere else far away, and was merely raised by the Frost Giants. 

There were no black Spartans, Sparta wasn’t like, really stressed about race, but they weren’t like, a large empire, they were a city state located in Greece, nobody was just showing up from across the sea to get involved like it’s beer league softball

“And then Odin and all the other gods praised me for being the greatest and never having sex with a horse, before making me their king” - Loki

If someone is named as being the one with dark skin, the implication is that he’s unique in that regard. Not that I don’t appreciate the motive of the post, but I’m pedantic as hell

Norman Bates was only ever portrayed as extremely sympathetic, both to the viewer and the characters in the movie, even after he’s killed people. I think it’s abundantly clear that Norma is/was such a domineering, larger than life, narcissistic personality (and whatever else) that even after death her consciousness

Well, I don't think the Orions were ever really depicted to be in the Federation or the kind of people who wanted to join anyway. Hey skin is lighter green than they generally are, and it looks like they're doing what Hulk artists would do off and on and gave her darker green hair to fit with her skin. Despite being

Given that Picard’s family vineyard is not a big, public, or notable place that people would visit any more than my dad’s tomato garden in the backyard, why would they act like it’s all there is to see on Earth? It’s not even on the same continent as the creole (not soul food) restaurant which seats like, six people

I’m trying to think of how you could actually do this as a show and have it be good. The only thing that comes to mind is to have it be like, following the people who we never saw in episodes that are one for one retellings of every episode in order of TOS or TNG, but with entirely different spins on how each episode

They (by which I mean the reviewers on the website) tend to give things generally higher grades overall than I and others probably would, even while feeling the exact same way. Even if they will explain why an episode of a comedy show didn’t make them laugh once, they give it a B-, they just tend to be more reserved

Well, no, you’re forgetting that what JJ did was decide to annihilate one of the most important and most beloved races (the Romulans ) with an impossible to accept nonsensical scientific premise, and THEN create his own timeline where it happens to another race (the Vulcans). In fact, he actually went out of his way

The character of Harley Quinn should never have agency at all, nor should she “break up” with the Joker. Her whole backstory is basically just a gag; the Joker is so crazy/demented he turned his psychologist insane. Her entire lifestyle, look, indifference to the law or human life is entirely because it’s his

But they're close friends and that's how they joke all the time. I understand not thinking something is funny, but it's like you're saying, "I don't have to put up with this!" to a conversation that you aren't a part of. You're placing an unfair expectation on a female comic to act the way you might, instead of

Saying that he sees where Trump’s coming from just means that he understands the feelings of rage, fear, or frustration behind his sentiments, but he makes it pretty clear that he doesn’t agree with Trump, because he makes decisions based on his instantaneous emotion reaction. He’s right to criticize this generation

I can’t help but feel like this is for easily offended white women (and women who think they’re hotter than they are). As with the anti-catcalling movement, young white women basically feel in danger when a black or Latino man hollers at them, because white guys usually don’t do that, and so it’s unacceptable. A

If your kids went to a school where there’s a lot of Asian immigrant teachers that decided that they will start disciplining kids by hitting them with a switch, I guarantee the second you see bruises on your kids skin that came from another adult, you’d see only red. You would be immediately furious at the notion that