Greg Chames

Look, the cold hard truth is that being annoying to people makes them hate you. Black Lives Matter, a group that expresses a sentiment most rational people would agree with, has decided to have the attitude that "white people DESERVE to be annoyed", and they disrupt the peace in deliberately inconvenient ways to the

The tone of this review is like a fundamentalist Christian trying to defend the White Album to their judgemental peers.
"I know it sounds like all the other devil worshipping bands, but if you give it a chance, they actually aren't that offensive". This website sometimes…

Who cares if he did, he was up his own ass, like every British actor that thinks they're above the genre that they all whore themselves out to. Once there's a character in Frasier, and another in Galaxy Quest, who are playing disgruntled British actor who regrets doing popular science fiction, it's illustrating a

"jaws was never my scene, and I don't like Star Wars" is a line in a Queen song (Bicycle) to illustrate that the character in the song is notable in this regard. It really was never cool to hate Star Wars, unless of course, you liked Star Trek. It was the first big nerd schism.

Star Wars is not science fiction

It wasn't cliche, it was deliberate use of archetypes and tropes from old sci-fi serial. Originally, it was going to be a Flash Gordon movie, but they ended up not getting the rights or something, and so they ended up giving you a story that's essentially the same as say, The Black Cauldron, but with a science fantasy

No offense, but that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. First of all, I think we can both agree that the British are a fangorious, mutant strain of cabbage eating mongrel not unlike the Drow in Dungeons and Dragons. But the European Union is a plot by the revenant corpses of the Knights Templar, purposefully

Comedy isn't for you. It's her joke to make. It's from her perspective, she wrote it, tested it, refined it, and performed it. Is it funny? Possibly not. But sometimes racist jokes can be so extreme that they become hilarious, and make black people crack up as well. As with all comedy, the only thing that you can

What came out aside from him just being pissed and slamming cabinets and shit?

There's a significant difference between racial and racist. Race jokes aren't racist, you could be making fun of your biracial features, or you could be a white comic bringing the house down in the black rooms by making fun of black people. If they find it hilarious, how could you call it racist? The most important

It's very common for women to be attracted to men older than themselves, because they find success, wisdom, wealth, charisma, and all the things older men have cultivated over the years attractive. Compare all Hollywood's celebrities, you'll find so many men dating younger than vice versa. Men can appreciate women

I feel like this review kind of misses some satirical elements of the PC people being cliche "frat bros", and thinks its just a silly gag that's just meant to be goofy but loses steam quickly. He does mention the fact that they're all white people speaking for marginalized groups, but I think the joke runs deeper

while I view everything on twitter to be essentially no different than if every adult in america started sharing unsolicited opinions by just blowing them into bubbles, all day every day. What's pissing people off about this is that he was essentially getting up to $2500 dollars to sponsor a company's shit (by just

perhaps that is true, but if you're the world's most accomplished child molester and die after never getting caught for 80 years, you were still a slice of shit

that's interesting, because I feel like he didn't destroy what was a solid relationship, he just scrapped a false one that he was blissfully ignorant in. To me, the big difference of whether or not he's sympathetic is that his wife had lied about that dude and the nature of their relationship, which is not cool, but

can you write him off like that, when all his paranoia is justified? i can see the merit in calling a guy who gets drunk and beats the shit out of someone with a bottle a prick, of course, but paranoid? I don't know. I don't know if I think he did anything truly wrong in this episode, aside from drunk driving. I can

good episode, but not great. The performances are terrific. I don't like how the whole Abi story just kind of drops off 75% of the way through. the story would have been just as effective if it ended when he gets locked in his room and gave away all the credits he could use to skip the ads. The way the story is told,