
It is unfortunate for you to say “dozens of people I know” because now all I can think of is..

Fortnite’s 10.10 patch turns Mega Mall into Retail Row and adds Fiends. There’s also a new limited time mode, and the Brute is now available in Creative—that’s more Brutes, not less, but they’ll be fun to play around with outside a match.

Awkward Zombie, Double XP, and Nerf NOW are surprisingly on-point.

The funnier PA strip this week:

Are you saying they are going to start a subscription service for their games? If so i dont know about that their game library is so small.  I think they might be doing it to get user data.

Dear Hollywood types: Please put Ruth Negga in everything. Thanks.

Overwatch is trash. Seriously. The community, especially the competitive community, is toxic AF, and Blizzard doesn’t care. You can’t join a single game without running into some kind of toxic player. I haven’t played in over a year and I will not go back, even with this change.

Kids who just want to play Pokémon. 

Are you dick-rubbing-against-the-clit/brown/taint shaming him?

What, exactly, is Acquisitions Inc?  I saw the book at a book store and noticed it was PA’s art style, but, like, was it a podcast?  Where did it come from?

As a man I approve this message. Boy do we suck.

I think you mean:

I already own all this stuff.

sounds normal for a 2 year old console. PS4 was still being called PortStation back in 2015.

“Gaming is having a huge TV in a tiny apartment...