
yeah! it’s just flat-out weird!

one of my friends was complaining to me about how hard it was for her to get second dates and was convinced it was because she had some kind of glaring personality defect or something. we get to talking and it turns out that none of the guys she’s been going on dates with call her back after seeing her room (like

is this technically cannibalism?


i was not expecting this show to be as real and as dark as it was! after the first episode my partner was all charged up to watch the second one but i had to call it quits for the night and do breathing exercises

anybody feel up to explaining any context for this trailer? it looks way cool but i haven’t played since vanilla and have no clue who anybody is except for sylvanas :\

because chip zdarsky is a genius

this comic is so, so, so good! i lost my shit at the carl sagan nude scene in #13

lies and slander. look at this face and tell me it’s evil

is...this...a romney/ryan megadildo?

for whatever it’s worth i thought your car analogy was great!

celebrity crush day passes, along with frequent communication and ice cream, are critical to the long-term success of any relationship

this! i was just having a conversation with my partner about how the most attractive quality another person can have is if they are into us. that segued nicely into a conversation about self-esteem, which in turn segued nicely into eating away our feelings.

never underestimate a good shin kick

i’m glad you replied, i was super concerned about whether or not you disliked anita sarkeesian before gamergate or if you were just hopping on the bandwagon. this completely recontextualizes your original post.

don’t hate the players, hate the gamergaters

no i’m pretty sure that’s the inside of a ps3. vaginas look very different. have you ever seen one?