
Excellent idea, actually. It could even be like a trophy/achievement-type pop-up to avoid interrupting gameplay because, you know, people would be pretty pissed off if they got killed in MW3 because a tornado is outside their front door.

As a gamer and scholar/professor, I really enjoy looking at games from an academic perspective and have done much research into various aspects of gaming (my Thesis was on frustration and video games). So I do understand the points Nina (or Dr. Huntemann, I should say) is making. And while war games may seem to

I can't even get the confirmation email. Had it resent multiple times and nothing.

Beat me to it as well.

All you need left is unlimited waffle fries.

Why just Snooki? Send the whole cast!

I agree completely. Too many games have the quiet, serious protagonist (which isn't really a problem), which is part of why I disliked DMC2. What made Dante great was that he didn't really take a whole lot seriously and really seemed to enjoy his job. His cheesy one-liners were also part of his appeal. He was badass

We sure do. Although, I do usually go by Jon. Doesn't matter to me much, really.

I keep hearing how Bioshock was scary but I almost feel disappointed I never was. Instead, I spent the entire game pissed off at splicers for making me use my ammo reserves and for jumping me while trying to fight a Big Daddy.

Now playing

Looks fine and all but I'd rather have this.

I wholeheartedly approve of this comment.

It could be three minutes and I'd still be stoked. Kim is all I needed to see.

My point was that a game with an online pass may have crappy multiplayer but the online pass didn't make it that way, just the same as if a game has outstanding multiplayer. A lot of game reviews look at the overall quality of a game. They look at the whole game, not just at the game minus online pass features. If

In the distant future, we will plug into consoles like The Matrix and games will be loaded for us to play out. They just need to make it so we don't die in real life if we die in game. Dying in the first minute of the game would just suck.

Drake shot first?

Reviews don't always matter, though. Some games get mediocre reviews and sell incredibly well while others get excellent reviews and don't sell well at all.

I think I'd rather try the arrange version.

I wonder if he knows someone whose last name is Sonic...

Agreed. They stripped Dante of everything that made him great in the original (cheesy one-liners and his attitude) and made him a cardboard cutout silent hero and threw in some of the lamest enemies I've seen in a game (possesed tanks and infected helicopters).

I personally hope we don't see HD remakes become a major theme in the next gen of consoles. 3DS and Vita have their share of console remakes. I'd rather not see a Gears of War Revisited or Halo 3: You Didn't Play This Enough the First Time for the next Xbox.