
This is awesome!

@xhedgehogx: I haven't played the Dreamcast MvC in ages but I don't remember ever seeing a simple mode.

@Cyber Rat: OH MAN! This image sums up how I felt about Sonic 3. I quit playing it after I got stuck at this part. I remember trying again and again only to run out of time and die.

It looks cool but I just don't know. The original Goldeneye was amazing...back in 1997. Sure it's been updated to modern (warfare) standards, but how much of the Goldeneye soul will be lost in the process?

Epic, you have to top this with Gears 3. Don't miss out on the opportunity to let people buy a Gears 3 branded helicopter. It can be modeled like a King Raven.

Hell just called. It's snowing.

@MegaGoat: This made my day. I'd promote this comment if I could.

Perfect form concealing your Death Note app.

Where's the "Stepped on a Brick" card?

Camo rating: 99%

Shrink this down and you've got the next smart phone super case.

Oh good, more data so they can NOT put more than three episodes on a disc.

I get distracted by IMs, facebook, this site and Kotaku, and I think I'm part ADD, which doesn't help.

18 Carpenter looking for...work?

YES! So glad to hear someone in Hollywood isn't jumping on the 3D bandwagon.

Cool, but I'd rather Vergil be in it than Trish.

Come on guys, we gotta save at least one Carmine! I'll do my part.

I think a lot of people are too quick to badmouth MS for this. As a person who enjoys multiplayer gaming, both online and local, I think this would be a blast.