
Subaru swapped over to bearings that use a nylon material on the sleeve. It seems to me that it's less durable. However, the problem it's supposed to resolve was much worse; the old metal bearings would ruin the snout on the transmission, requiring you to get a whole new transmission case.

Toyota's DIT system that we borrowed for the BRZ runs two sets of injectors, one set for port injection and one set for direct injection. The idea is that the port injectors help keep carbon buildup off the valves. Unfortunately, Subaru does not use the same setup in their DIT engine. Still have yet to see one come in

Weird, you should be failing the test if it burns more than 10.7 fl oz in 1200 miles. Your dealer may not have been particularly forthcoming.

Unfortunately, Benz has changed much since your W202. Shame, the W202 was such a good car.

My buddy autocrosses an automatic Camry. More than a few people were surprised by his times, including me.

Uh, the K20s all used timing chains.

Well the transmission gears seem to have about the same width as the STi. So at least your tranny won't be a weak point.

Surprised they didn’t just use a EZ36. Much easier to work on, along with a bit of a higher output. Still, cool to see someone use a H6 in a swap.

More aggressive driving AI? Gentlemen, prepare for Skynet.

After doing enough WRX and STi rod knockers as well as H6 head gaskets, engine assembly out of car gets pretty meh as well.

He said migrants from other states, nothing about skin color. For all you know, he meant a Californian who moved with Toyota to Plano.

Subaru has been using the same 5 speed for decades. The only thing that changed was gear ratios and type of clutch application(push or pull type). They all utilize a mechanical linkage.

I’m pretty sure that’s with tax. UK charges a lot of tax on imported vehicles, no? Either way, vehicles tend to be much cheaper in the US.

Not quite the WRX 2.0. FA20 yes, but this one makes 300hp!

I’m with you all the way. The differences between a union run shop at a dealership vs a non-union shop are appalling. Non-stop illegal/shady treatment of techs at non-union shops.

If her face is any indication, Stacy’s mom does not got it goin’ on.

Well, deleting any emissions controls equipment would be illegal for them to do, so probably not.

More power to him, I would give him all my headliners!

Yeah, warranty time doesn’t make much sense. Interior R&R always sucks for me, but at least Subaru pays ok for hard line jobs.

I don’t look at my Subaru all the time, but often enough that I notice myself looking. More often now after I’ve lifted it. It’s probably the fact that I’ve swapped the engine, transmission, and suspension myself and I like looking at my blood, sweat, and tears.