
There but for the grace of God, etc.

After being unemployed for 9 months in 2008, I was excited to finally have an offer from a 'tech' company that specialized in customer service surveys for retail and restaurants, even though it was an hourly contract position with no benefits. I was told that I could be converted to a full time employee at any time. I

Can anyone in the video production business give us an idea of the cost of producing an ad like this?
And what he paid for a 2:00 block?

I never thought I'd ever have to Shazam the theme music from a personal injury lawyer from Savannah's commercial. Then again, I never thought Shia Labeouf would be the one to 'make it' from the Even Stevens cast. So, what the hell do I know?

That looks like the trailer for the last 128 Nicolas Cage movies.

The commercial was amazing. But seriously, this dude got all frustrated with the authorities, and he couldn't look his son in the face and say "I represent the bad guys," so he decides to become . . . a personal injury lawyer?!?!? The lowest or second lowest form of despicable attorney? How does that show anybody