I’m going to just say it, Jordan Peterson is not a bad guy and doesn’t deserve to be lumped in with these other knuckleheads, he’s far from alt right or a neo nazi.
I’m going to just say it, Jordan Peterson is not a bad guy and doesn’t deserve to be lumped in with these other knuckleheads, he’s far from alt right or a neo nazi.
I do find the label intellectual dark web a little cringe worthy. The group of people that this label tries to encapsulate have varied views and it’s not fair to group them all together on the right. What does unify them is their tendency to have long nuanced discussions about difficult issues. Not only that, they are…
This. And a lot of people on the left (I consider myself very on the left just fwiw) also hate hate hate that some people on the right think of themselves as intellectuals. It’s far easier for liberals to think of anyone who disagrees with them as Trump-loving troglodytes than people with positions that require actual…
The New York Times piece lumps together a bunch of disparate ideas (some good and some bad) and brands it a movement. Now the good ideas get officially negated by the bad ideas.