
You're a hoot Michael! I certainly find your self-serving psychological projections delivered with passionate Western confidence much more entertaining than any Superhero movie could be! Thanks for that. As to pretending that "Canne's"is the issue here, that's a bit bizarre. My point was that there are two, count

If you can't see what the connection is between the "liberal" regime of Obama in relation to child soldiers today, and the "liberal" Clinton regime of our glorious past, and thus the continuity of U.S. imperial policy, then I think you're perfectly suited to dismissing any and all arguments that the movie in question

The rich, white, privileged moviegoers at Cannes, who laughed aloud, were ironically the same rich, white privileged attendees at the event in the movie that were so moved by Theron's speech. The notion that the entire MSM went into salivating attack mode on this film from day one is because of its "overwrought

Sad my earlier comment apparently wasn't deemed acceptable. Maybe a Human Rights Watch report can shed some light on why this film is both important, and why so many establishment media sites foam at the mouth while reviewing it.…

I just watched the movie, because I tend to suspect that when the establishment media gets this worked up, its usually because something is hitting too close to home for comfort. Sure enough. My fellow European Americans and Europeans just hate it when they have to watch the suffering of poor Africans while knowing