Yup, Hungary to be precise. It is a huge clusterfuck, and while I try to avoid politics as much as I can, this one is literally everywhere these days. I am worn down to the point where the mere mention of "immigrants" is enough to get me sighing. :/
Yup, Hungary to be precise. It is a huge clusterfuck, and while I try to avoid politics as much as I can, this one is literally everywhere these days. I am worn down to the point where the mere mention of "immigrants" is enough to get me sighing. :/
You know, I would have probably found this episode funnier if my country wasn't dealing with an ACTUAL immigration crisis at the moment. Eh, maybe it will will be really funny in a few years.
It served to drive home the point of how stupid and horrible the hype and the entire Black Friday/Console War. After all, even Cartman got fazed by it!
It's been a long time since I have been laughing so much during an SP episode. It's probably because I am a gamer and thus I am pretty exposed to the stupid "video games cause violence" and "won't anyone think of the children" crowd.
It also helped that I actually know about the recent news topic that was probably the…