
Sarcasm aside I do wonder how many accidents and deaths are caused directly and indirectly every year by stupid left lane hogs. When I’m driving my DD I usually go a bit faster than the flow of traffic and they’re just an annoyance, usually not such a big deal. When I’m driving my classic, basically an egg shell with

One left lane hog less in this world makes it a better place, don’t see anything wrong with it.

Original systems usually work, if you take the time to get them in tip top shape. The fuel pump, and carburetors in a Morris Minor and in an E type are pretty much the same except for size, and some other parts like the wipers and the flasher relay are in fact EXACTLY the same.

Third possibility is there IS room to merge to the right for them, but not enough room to pass them on the right. It’s this situation where murder begins to look like an attractive alternative.

The frogeye, mechanically is pretty much the same as my Morris Minor. Parts are so cheap that even with air freight from the UK to Guatemala (and import duties) they’re about half the cost of the same part for a newer part.

I actually really, really want one of those, or an XJ12 but definitely not for DD.

This is definitely my favoritest new Porsche; by the way, love how he switches to the right lane after passing, “just in case”.

Clearly the right convertible for her is a Bugeye Sprite

Yup, I once told a tall friend he could have my old Triumph if he could drive it around the block once. The car is still safely in my possession.

Don’t think he needs any

Well for the moment most “normal” cars have much, much less torque than the Tesla, which would have probably given the driver a little bit more time to react.

According to the law yes, but he could have sped up or down to let the truck driver pass on the right or whatever, making the situation safer for everyone. It’s happened to me a lot in my Morris Minor, I’m usually in the right lane going slowly and some idiot in the left lane matches speeds with me, holding up a line

I’ve had this happen to me when passing on two lane roads, which can be very dangerous. It’s amazing the lengths some people will go to just to not let others pass.

I’ve wanted to do what the truck driver did so many times, I think it was Richard Petty who once pushed a left lane hog in order to pass, hitting him sideways was a bit much though.

Oh yeah this is the one I like the most. Just wonder why they didn’t keep the previous professional’s interior switches. That A/C control unit doesn’t look all that rugged.

What? The Land Cruiser is the real deal, there’s a reason why there’s so many of them in Central and South American roads, as well as Africa and the Middle East. No other car can carry T7 armor like the LC and last anything, not even the G, they’re definitely not just mall crawlers.

Ha! I’m from Guatemala so I see these every day. Some other fun facts:

Haha, I actually saw one once that was taking a curve so fast it was lifting the inside rear tires. Obviously it was packed with people. Right now they’re planning legislation to limit modifications because of this.

I’d hope as those technologies become more widespread there’d be some sort of transponder available to fit to motorcycles to let other vehicles know they’re there. I know I’d spend my money in one.

As said before, Evoque driver appears to be careful not to damage other cars, and also probably wanted to smash the Jag hard enough to move it, but not hard enough to have her airbags go off.