
The blue dong is gone for good. No way that DC will consider putting the cerulean rod in a non-Vertigo imprint book.

So he’s a criminal master-mime?

I am not OK with Manhattan’s ‘briefs’, for one thing why is he-who-cares-not-for-mortal-constraints suddenly shy, and for another they look like his pre-conversion name was Dr. Charles Brown.  

That much I know, but I need to know whether or not this man’s finger guns can kill!

How is Bruce Wayne the smartest man on the planet? He’s a shallow rich-boy illusion to mask Batman. As far as anyone beyond the JLA knows, he’s at best a successful CEO... unless getting engaged to Catwoman is really that impressive?

Speaking of the no-calls, I love how it illustrates LB’s blatant 3 step travel to the basket as his shit was getting packed. Curry gets mugged far worse on a constant basis, his no-calls are staggering. It’s disappointing to read an article like this whining about LB’s no-call, sorry man, he gets away with horse shit,

This is simply the NBA’s way on the passing of the torch. In most professional sports leagues this happens when one team defeats another for the championship, or one player wins the MVP clearly over a rival. Not in the NBA. It’s when one star clearly gets the call over the other, over and over, and that’s the way it

Manhandled, slightly clipped his shoulder. Tomato, tomahto. Seriously, that was hardly “manhandling”. I wouldn’t have complained about a foul call, but on the replay there was actually much less contact than it first appeared.

I see why your Dad is a former basketball referee: he’s blind.

Looking at a couple replays, and I can see how you can call those fouls, but KD is so long he also got a ton of ball on the drive up the middle with under a minute left (and armpit-on-shoulder fouls aren’t called that often) while on another drive it could have been a reachin but LeBron lost the ball a bit before the

Deadspin = Love LeBron, despise KD. If the situation were reversed, and LeBron had gotten away with no calls (as he often does, just like every other superstar in the NBA) and the Cavs were victorious, your column would be written to praise his ingenuity....

These are the calls Lebron gets against everyone else. You are just used to him ramming oafishly into the paint and getting a call, those days are over. I don’t mind Lebron, and I don’t care about the warriors, but as a Pistons fan I am glad to see these no calls. These are correct calls.

I remember back in the olden days, when putting your arm out to keep a defender from making a block was an offensive foul...

FACTS. Brian Shaw was insanely dominant and changed the league

If lebron is going to be passive he is not going to get the call. If he just powers to the lane and tries to take KDs head off with a dunk they will have to call the foul 100%

Wow, deadspin really hates the warriors

Lol you guys acting surprised that LeBron didn’t get a call in KDs house in the final minute of a close game. Do you even NBA?

I was at the game. This take is dumb

If he waits till next year’s draft, he’s just gonna get drafted by the browns next year.

He will be healthy in time to play alongside future Sixers #1 pick LeBron James Jr #trusttheprocess