Someone forgot they were hired to bash black people. He forgot his place and tried bashing white women. Now he is gone.
Someone forgot they were hired to bash black people. He forgot his place and tried bashing white women. Now he is gone.
They actually weren’t that great for the most part. I would have expected more.
It got the pushback because it was so very misguided and just plain wrong.
Josh Allen is just as bad but boy he sure can throw it far.
People of color are the only reason Democratic candidates win. Most Dem voters are more liberal than Clintonite Democrats want to admit. We could actually get some stuff accomplished if we back progressive candidates who want what many poc want.
What is cool or edgy about Nazi ink?
They can say whatever they want but they are black.
She may fuck up trying this, doubt many will pay that much for Cardi B. But then again she might as well cash in while she can. I doubt her shelf life will be very long.
Its always been this way. No one except older hard core fans are buying older stars music.
Nobody wants the embarrassing soft core porn in their RECENTLY VIEWED on the account ten other people share. That is one of the main reason for lack of viewership.
Also the late night soft core movies on USA network were a weekend staple of 90's teens.
Another thing the Kardashians are getting credit for that black women made popular. Thy have BEEN pushing the Flat tummy tea.
Press Y for oral.
If you think that a higher percentage of any group of black folk voted for Trump compared to any group of white folk, you need to stop. There is no way anyone can blame ANY black group for Trump more than a white group. Black men voted less than 10% for Trump. I guarantee every white demographic had a more than 10%…
Madonna is the worst. The only thing she is queen of is cultural appropriation and trying way too hard to seem young.
Newsflash. There is no black demographic that voted Trump more than whatever white demographic you want to name. This is all on white people, period. It’s offensive to even suggest otherwise. Just stop.
Well you would be wrong. Every group of white women voted for Trump more than black men.
Lawrence was getting checks. He didn’t mess Issa’s credit up. He also had money in the bank.
Why are people acting like Lawrence wasn't getting a check while having savings in the bank? He wasnt mooching. Just not the primary earner.
So she called Kesha a liar and she didn't want to be labeled a victim blamer? That is what it sounds like