
The only relevant DS advice is git gud.

Guilty. I will cop these to flex. Even though they are kinda ugly.

White ladies gonna white lady.

Lets make sure we get the black guy, even though he apparently had nothing to do with it.

A goat. Not the GOAT. He picked the team and coach. I don’t want to hear that bullshit.

You can date non- black and be pro-black.

I can’t believe people are really saying this bullshit. For one its some divisive bullshit. And two it’s not true. Black men are more likely to suffer violence, be harrassed by the police, be less educated, get discriminated against in hiring etc. Black women struggle just as much. Some times in different ways. The

What? Black people love D&B and Main Event.

He will still finish with more championships than LeBron.

Im sure she would have never dated a black guy. That is problematic. She seems like the type of mixed person who went out of their way to prove they aren’t “ typical black.”

Having two people of color isn’t really that diverse anyway.

LeBron loses in conference finals. The one and only outcome that is acceptable.

Pretty much the exact same story as my father. Powerful stuff.

Love who you love. Just don’t down your own. I haven’t really seen all the examples people claim he did. The comedy specials? There are a ok types of black men and women on Atlanta, just like real life.

I hate when people try to pull this Trump bullshit on black men. The percentage of each group that voted for Trump was tiny. Black men were not out here voting for Trump.

What social media was around in the 80's and 90's? Jordan was just the best and greatest ever. No legit argument to be had.

Anyone who thinks Lebron is a greater player than Jordan really doesn’t know basketball or is under 30.

The teams Jordan faces in the Finals were better sans Warriors.

Lmao. The refs gave the OKC and Warriors series to LeBron so the golden boy could get some wins. Ray won the Spurs series. In turn LeBron should be 0 for championships. He is one of the best all time. Not an all time great. He isn’t in the same universe as Jordan.

LeBron is not in the top five GREATEST players.