
Did you really just pop in to tell this person they are wrong without actually correcting any of the points you disagree with? Why would you even bother? Was it just to wag your dick in public? Because that’s all I got out of your “correction”.

Russian current foreign currency reserves ALONE are $360B general fund + $120B emergency fund= $480 Billion. This oft-repeated suggestions that the departure is driven by “running out of money” is simply not grounded in reality.

I think the Russians did pull something off here. ISIS wants to consolidate Sunni populations, not Shiite. Russia propped up Assad against everyone else, really paying no bother to ISIS along the way other than a demonstration effort. This leaves Russia in control of a port and air base, and a client who at least for

ISIS is starting to collapse, their finances are getting incredibly bad, because an oil road was cut. Also lost around 20% of their territories and it looks like they are going to loose Kirkuk region to Kurds, Hezbollah and Iraqi army in the coming weeks. ISIS are still a threat, but I don’t see them expanding any

Honestly at this point any resolution to the atrocities going on over there is welcome, regardless of who brokered it.

Even if it’s just the Assad regime and the rebels coming to an agreement it’ll end some of the issues and then maybe they can focus on the ISIS. I won’t hold my breath though...