
EXCEPT, if you use a service like AirBnB to do it, you’ve agreed to their terms and conditions.

I read an interview with Ava DuVernay in which she said she was very deliberate with the lighting, because so often people of color are poorly lit because they’re not the focus of the story - the focus is on the white person because s/he is the hero, so you light for them. Here that’s not the case. And there’s lots of

In some ways yes. I’m not disputing that. But the goal of my comment was to check the white feminists at the door, because the coexistence of race and gender within the scope of intersectional privilege is often thrown to the wayside during these discussions.

They get really, genuinely excited for all the competitors. It’s one of the reasons why this is a guilty pleasure for me, because it’s a really positive show (or at least the announcers are). It’s always amusing to hear announcers get so excited for the competitors that they just CANNOT contain themselves.

Same! I’m still laughing right now. Like normally I get a little peeved when announcers express lowkey amazement at a woman demonstrating skill

The announcers are hilarious. When I watch I’m usually tuning them out because I’m hyper-focused on watching the badass competitors, but every once in a while one of them (typically Akbar) gets super excited and shouts some weird phrase (which probably would make sense if I was paying attention to them) and I’m

That announcer yelling “HERSTORY” with completely uncontained fervor is my new aesthetic

Or he is just an huge, narcissistic asshole who thinks he is entitled to whatever pleasure is in front of him. I’m pretty sure if his wife was a plain looking woman who had a normal job and stayed in the background, he would still be looking for strange in all the wrong places.

I’m surprised there’s no mention of the Anastasia Beverley Hills brand in this article. I follow the daughter of Anastasia who runs the makeup company, Claudia, on Snapchat. For the last year, she’s been aggressively working on their foundation sticks, trying to make sure they have an actually diverse range. They also

So you buy things with no expectation that they’ll hold up to any of the promises made beforehand? Everything is on you? If I order 6 breadsticks and only get 3, that’s on me for believing the restaurants advertising? If a game is sold promising multiplayer and it has no multiplayer, that’s all on me?

So you’re justifying that developers can outright lie and then say that it’s 100% the player’s fault for taking developers at their word?

“Be Blacker” is one of my favorite videos ever. Party Over Here, the sketch show she is/was recently in that was produced by the Lonely Island guys, was very bad. In my opinion.
So I am cautiously optimistic that her very own show will be hilarious.

It’s going to blow her mind when she learns that non-Hispanic people can speak Spanish and language proficiency is not solely based on race/national origin.

Shockingly, black people can actively be part of a system that is biased against black people. Often it’s not necessarily the race of the police officer/judge/lawyer/juror that matters, it’s the race of the suspect/victim. Black people are perfectly capable of being biased against other black people and their presence

I think the hilarity of the Taylor Swift fiasco is overshadowing the racial aspect of it. A not-insignificant part of Swift’s rise stemmed from people wanting to protect her from the black man who repeatedly victimized her. Swift doesn’t strike me as a particularly stupid person and I’m sure she’s aware of this fact.

No one who is hired, or admitted, or seated, or quoted gets that honor solely because of their skin color, as the author adeptly points out. It just doesn’t happen that way. I’m a POC (Black colored, to use your terminology). Didn’t get into college just because of my skin color any more than I was hired for any job

It doesn’t matter if I ‘want to’ believe it. I am an adult. College students are adults. Being presented with facts often leads thinking adults to change their opinions. I would believe it, or I wouldn’t.

This was not the first time Sandusky was investigated, and even this particular investigation was well underway at

Zambillion Little Pieces.

Oh you didn’t know? Being intolerant of racism makes you just as bad as racists when you’re on the interwebz.

Your constant need to make excuses for this racist bitch and your insistence on making excuses for the apologies for racism is repulsive.