
Car enthusiast =/= idiotic law breaker.

This wasn't speeding. If he was doing 80 on the LIE at 2AM, I'd agree with you. This was recklessly weaving through traffic, making multiple illegal and dangerous lane changes, and putting the lives of dozens of others at risk. I'm entirely in favor of felony charges for drivers who injure or kill cyclists and

I didn’t realize that racist things were ok to say as long as the people listening are racist.

Sure seemed like an excuse to me...and pretty much everybody else commenting here. But I guess it’s cool for her to spout racist shit as long as she’s comfortable.

You want to know why they report on a reporter’s racist tirade and don’t report on internet racist commenters?

“It’s okay that she said racist things, because they always say racist things.” Probably the worst take ever on Deadspin. And that’s saying something.

“Casual racism happens every day. Lighten up.”

I’m not racist. I just say racist things because that is what my audience likes to hear. Don’t hate the playa...

I love when racist generalizations are masqueraded with, “it’s just a joke!”

Bull Connor, playing to his audience

This wouldn’t even be news if this wasn’t newsworthy!

I mean, sure, but it’s still racist . . .

I can’t believe you haven’t figured this out on your own: your friends don’t want to go camping or go to the bar and they’re using money as an excuse. They are well aware that they could spend less money on video games. They just don’t want to come out and say, “camping sounds awful, fuck that,” so they pretend they

Okay so it sounds like these are people that don’t actually want to go camping. I mean a cheap tent can be made out of materials that cost, what, maybe $10 to $20 total? A weekend worth of camping consumables, including beer, is maybe another $40. I think most people can find a way to save $60 to do something they

It’s particularly telling that one of the darlings of startup culture is Peter Thiel, the right-wing billionaire who is friend to far-right extremists like Curtis Yarvin and Keith Rabois.

This is great. The thing about the narrative about start ups and the sharing economy that bothered me is this false belief that it is for everyone, and so progressive and about building people up and making them the captains of their destiny and in control of their success

What the hell is wrong with every person in convicted rapist, Brock Turner’s life?

That little smirk he gets during the third answer is just disgusting.

“Working on The View’s rebrand.”

“He stopped partying and drinking, married his childhood (high school? something like that) sweetheart and spends all his time at practice (a lot of it teaching and coaching newer players), at home with his kids and wife, or at church.”