
It was, many many years ago. And yeah..for people who like the long loading times still, it might be the best option.

Emulation on the PC is the best choice to play ps1 games now anyway

You seriously used a PS3 to listen to audio cd's ?

Never used a audio CD in a Playstation 2 or 3, any audio files can be moved via an usb stick or direct connection to a pc or hdd i guess?

As longtime Disgaea fan i can guarantee you that you will love Disgaea 4 :-)

Glad the next Disgaea is getting released in the USA and most likely Europe as well.

Yeah..thats why the Mortal Kombat movie from 1993 is still known as the or one of the best video game movies ever.

stop trolling.

How about investigative Journalism now Mike and just ask Sony directly instead of speculating about the matter.

That was a stupid comparison.

Nintendo's most known series all started over 20 years ago. Sony's however established new series with every new platform, the only big exception is Gran Turismo.

The Kotaku article writers write mistakes like wrong years, systems, names and seem not to know a lot about gaming history in general. The funny comments there make up for that but the article writers make themselfes look stupid in the eyes of people often.

Less competition is never a good thing.

And in those 3 years only around 10-20% of us might have 4k tv' will take even longer till they will be the standard on the mass market

I think before 2016 we really don't need to care about 4K Media

Watchdogs wants to have a word with you

Nope , never due to the massive copyright issues. Games who had licensed music as example cant be redistributed easily because the companies don't own the licenses anymore and to buy them would most likely be so expensive that it would not be lucrative.

nope, they did not

"you can be amongst the first to see how the PS version of DIablo II stacks up against it's PC older brother."

Welcome Back Bungie ;-)